twitter ads revenue (2)

What is Twitter Ads Sharing Revenue Program?

Twitter, a popular social media platform, has introduced an exciting new way for people to earn money through their posts. This special program is called the "Twitter Ads Sharing Revenue Program." But what exactly is it, and how does it work? Let's find out! Who Can Join? To be a part of this program, you need to be a "verified user." That means...

john burg · 05 September 2023 · 1

What is Twitter Ads Sharing Revenue Program?

Twitter, a popular social media platform, has introduced an exciting new way for people to earn money through their posts. This special program is called the "Twitter Ads Sharing Revenue Program." But what exactly is it, and how does it work? Let's find out! Who Can Join? To be a part of this program, you need to be a "verified user." That means...

john burg · 05 September 2023 · 2